Segment 1 - Persuasive Psychology
(Negotiating / Closing) Utilizing the word "because"
Segment 2 - Maximizing Money Down
(Negotiating / Closing) Word track works wonders
Segment 3 - 7 Keys to Positivity
(Attitude) Positive beats negative every time
Segment 4 - Handling the Upset Customer
(Other) Changing the dynamics
Segment 5 - "Just Looking"
(Sales Process Training) The initial objection
Segment 6 - Psychology of the Initial Proposal
(Negotiating / Closing) How to present properly
Segment 7 - Additional Keys to Objections
(Negotiating / Closing) Handling resistance
Segment 8 - Don't Gamble with Your Success
(Sales Process Training) Increase your odds
Segment 9 - The Power of Attitude
(Attitude) Attitude is everything
Segment 10 - "Yeah, but..."
(Personal / Business Development) An impediment to change
Segment 11 - How Hard is it to Say Hello?
(Sales Process Training) Proper greeting sets the stage
Segment 12 - Life is a Choice
(Attitude) Choose wisely
Segment 13 - "I Have a Better Deal Elsewhere"
(Negotiating / Closing) Bluff, mistake, or valid?
Segment 14 - Increasing Write-Ups
(Sales Process Training) Increased write-ups equals increased sales
Segment 15 - Questions to Avoid
(Communication Skills) Don't undermine your effectiveness
Segment 16 - Optimism vs. Pessimism
(Attitude) Which do you choose?
Segment 17 - 10 Elements of Success
(Personal / Business Development) Let's get it right
Segment 18 - 11 Things Students WILL NOT Learn in School
(Other) What students don't learn in school
Segment 19 - Value of an Effective T. O.
(Sales Process Training) Second chance at a sale
Segment 20 - 9 Things To Give Up
(Other) Give up to get more
Segment 21 - 5 Things That Persuasive People Do
(Negotiating / Closing) Be a persuader of people
Segment 22 - Why Is the Buyer Anxious?
(Other) Perhaps because you are
Segment 23 - Why Did You Lose the Sale?
(Building Value) Make the necessary changes
Segment 24 - Become a Better Writer
(Communication) Emails, texts, articles, blogs
Segment 25 - Do What Is Right
(Personal / Business Development) Not sometimes - all the time
Segment 26 - Daily Activity Habits
(Personal / Business Development) Using the "Social Hour"
Segment 27 - Asking for Referrals
(Personal / Business Development) Asking the correct way
Segment 28 - Controlling Reconditioning Expense
(Negotiating / Closing) Saving gross profit
Segment 29 - Passive Way to Ask for Referrals
(Personal / Business Development) A coward's way to referrals
Segment 30 - Procrastination
(Attitude) No-win situation
Segment 31 - Risk Factor
(Other) Lower the risk, greater the reward
Segment 32 - How to Change a Bad Day
(Attitude) Lifting yourself up
Segment 33 - Double Your Chances of YES
(Communication) Simple and easy technique
Segment 34 - Perceptions
(Other) All that matters
Segment 35 - 20 Ways to Increase Sales
(Personal / Business Development) Make the most of your time
Segment 36 - Comfort and Familiarity
(Building Value) Keys to relaxing customers
Segment 37 - Smile - You Are on Display
(Attitude) Free, but invaluable
Segment 38 - Kill Them With Kindness
(Other) Even when customers are unkind
Segment 39 - Self Discipline
(Personal / Business Development) Overcoming obstacles
Segment 40 - Preparation Wins
(Sales Process Training) Be a Boy Scout
Segment 41 - Truly Listen to Understand
(Communications Skills) Don’t merely hear
Segment 42 - Handle Resistance Like They Do in Mexico
(Negotiating / Closing) Be oblivious to “No”
Segment 43 - Road to the Sale - Passé?
(Sales Process Training) Absolutely not!
Segment 44 - One More
(Personal / Business Development) Taking the extra step