RV Sales Training Course Catalog

To view course descriptions, click the titles below:

(112 Video Segments)

A to Z Sales Process Training NEW!
34 segments

Segment 1 - Creating a Great Impression
Initial phase of the selling process
Segment 2 - Greetings & Reception
Professional greetings; Avoid pre-judging
Segment 3 - Building Rapport & Trust
"I'm just looking"; Tips to finding common ground
Segment 4 - Effective Verbal Communication
Importance of words; Listening skills; "Serve, don't sell"
Segment 5 - Electronic Communication Through Emails
Maximize your effectiveness in customer communication
Segment 6 - Effective Communication Through Texts
Rules for business etiquette
Segment 7 - Trust is the Basis for Sales
Without trust price becomes the default issue
Segment 8 - Counseling/Interviewing (Part 1)
Building a customer profile; Gathering important information
Segment 9 - Counseling/Interviewing (Part 2) 
Specific questions to ask
Segment 10 - Presenting the RV (Part 1)
Features & benefits presentation; "Selling the sizzle"
Segment 11 - Presenting the RV (Part 2)
Controlled presentations
Segment 12 - Dynamic Demonstration Drives
Keys to creating mental ownership
Segment 13 - Trial Closing (Part 1)
Effective trial closing questions
Segment 14 - Trial Closing (Part 2) / Setting Up the Negotiations
More trial close questions; Service walk; Discussing money prematurely
Segment 15 - Pace of the Sale
How much time you spend, and where, does matter
Segment 16 - Initial Write-up / Help Your Manager Help You
Info to bring to the "desk"
Segment 17 - Maximizing the Initial Proposal
Presenting your proposal in the best light; Signals you send
Segment 18 - Initial Proposals / Negotiating Fundamentals
Basics of negotiating for successful conclusions
Segment 19 - Negotiating Tips & Techniques
More on negotiations / Clarify & isolate objections
Segment 20 - Premature Price Questions
Responses to "Best price?" "Interest rates?" "Payments?" "Trade value?"
Segment 21 - Fundamentals of Handling Objections
Overcoming customer resistance
Segment 22 - "Your Price is Too High"
Using your numbers - not theirs; 3 step negotiating technique
Segment 23 - "Not Enough For My Trade"
Dealing with unrealistic expectations
Segment 24 - "I Will Sell It Myself"
The challenge of selling privately
Segment 25 - "I've Got a Better Deal Elsewhere"
Keeping the customer at your dealership
Segment 26 - "I Want To Think About It"
Handling the most common objection
Segment 27 - "I Need To Talk To My Spouse"
Uncovering the real problem
Segment 28 - "I Want To Shop Around"
Discovering why and what to do
Segment 29 - Miscellaneous Closing Ideas
Tried and true closing techniques
Segment 30 - Capitalizing On The T.O. (Turnover)
Do not let ego stand in your way
Segment 31 - Selling Pre-owned RVs
Tips on selling used
Segment 32 - The Delivery
Make it a lasting impression
Segment 33 - Follow-up For Success
Effective follow-up in today's market
Segment 34 - The Value of Attitude
Power of a positive attitude; Tips on achieving success

Ultimate Phone Expertise
15 segments

Segment 1 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 1​
Attitude; Physical aspects to improve communication; Listening skills
Segment 2 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 2​
What you need to accomplish on an incoming sales call; Importance of phone-ups; Directing the conversation
Segment 3 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 3​
Answering the phone; Getting a "yes" answer; Closing for the appointment
Segment 4 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 4
Alternative Phase 1 Script
Segment 5 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 5
Common Questions from Callers, Best Appointment-Closing Questions
Segment 6 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 6​
Handling Price Questions

Segment 7 – Incoming Sales Calls - Part 7​
Raising the appointments made/kept ratio; Solidifying their commitment to keep the appointment
Segment 8 – Handling the Tougher Questions - Part 1
“What’s your best price?”; “How many miles are on the RV?”; “What would my payments be?”; “How much will you come off the internet price?”
Segment 9 – Handling the Tougher Questions - Part 2
“What are your interest rates?”; “What’s my trade worth?”
Segment 10 – Handling the Tougher Questions - Part 3
“What would my payments be?”; “Has tthere been any damage to the RV?”
Segment 11 – Costly Mistakes You Must Avoid
Errors we don't even know we're making
Segment 12 – Outbound Calls - Part 1​
Build relationships to make the most of your career
Segment 13 – Outbound Calls - Part 2​
Sold Follow-up Day 1, Sold Follow-up Day 5 or 10, Un-sold Traffic Follow-up, Customer Satisfaction, Anniversary of the RV Purchase, Voice Mail for Sold and Unsold Customers
Segment 14 – Outbound Calls - Part 3
Service customer; Internet leads; Management call back; Customer contact form
Segment 15 – The Power of Effective Voice Mail​
Strategies and scripts for the ultimate professional 

PRINTABLE VERSION- Ultimate Phone Expertise Course Listing

Selling at the RV Show NEW!
4 segments

Segment 1- Selling at the RV Show (Part 1)
Physical preparation; Value of image; Incorporating tablets

Segment 2 - Selling at the RV Show (Part 2)
Mental preparation; Engaging the customer; Efficiently qualifying

Segment 3 - Selling at the RV Show (Part 3)
Qualify, Understand, Inform, Propose; Selling the Deal 

Segment 4 - Selling at the RV Show (Part 4)
Effective follow-up -- during the Show and post-Show; "Do's and Don'ts"

Objections Conquered! NEW!
14 segments

Segment 1 – A Definitive Look at Objections
What objections are; Determining validity

Segment 2 – Minimizing Objections, Part 1
100/100/100 Rule; No shortcuts; Needs Assessments for all; Assumptive postures

Segment 3 – Minimizing Objections, Part 2
Building extreme value; Questions to uncover objections; Avoid absolutes; Repeat and referrals

Segment 4 – Minimizing Objections, Part 3
Share expectations; Under-promise to over-deliver; Theory of Contrast

Segment 5 – Keys to Handling Objections, Part 1
Be prepared; Don’t hear – LISTEN!  Watch for buying signals; Transparency rules!

Segment 6 – Keys to Handling Objections, Part 2
Have perseverance; Stress value proposition; Diplomatically deny objection; Non-confrontational trial closes

Segment 7 – Keys to Handling Objections, Part 3
Be sold on products; Initially agree; Price is rarely the answer; Persuasive psychology

Segment 8 – “Your Price Is Too High”
Psychological tendency; Use your numbers; 3-Step Process

Segment 9 – “That’s Not Enough for My Trade”
Word tracks; Avoid the ego

Segment 10 – “I’ll Just Sell It Myself”
“Challenges with Selling Privately”

Segment 11 – “I Need to Speak to My Spouse”
Good excuse; Be proactive; Uncover the truth

Segment 12 – “I Have a Better Deal Elsewhere”
Clarify objection; Level the playing field; Build the value

Segment 13 – “What Is Your Best Price?”
Not an objection unless you treat it like one

Segment 14 – “I Need to Think about It”
Unmasking real objection; Closing on value


RV Prospecting & Follow-Up
10 segments


Segment 1 - Why Prospect? - New! 
Why Prospect?

Segment 2 - Effective Follow-up on Sold and Unsold - New! 
Doing away with the "Hope" system

Segment 3 - Service Customers (Part 1) - New! 
Various ways to prospect among service customers

Segment 4 - Service Customers (Part 2) - New! 
Ideas for prospecting service customers

Segment 5 - Using Personal Social Media (Part 1) - New! 
Using social media to your advantage; Content is king; Often-made mistakes

Segment 6 - Using Personal Social Media (Part 2) - New! 
Ability to research prospects; Highly effective way to use social media for ongoing prospecting

Segment 7 - Specific Ideas (Part 1) - New! 
Market to those who bought elsewhere; Prospects everywhere; Business cards for self-promotion

Segment 8 - Specific Ideas (Part 2) - New! 
Asking for referrals--the correct way; Social clubs and community involvement; Personal advertisement; New promotions; "Nest" prospecting

Segment 9 - Specific Ideas (Part 3) - New! 
Make afternoon phone calls; Newsletters; Give specialty gifts

Segment 10 - Specific Ideas (Part 4) - New! 
Give organized presentations; Using inspirational quotes; Make cold calls; Career-building letters and emails


Outstanding Customer Service
7 segments


Segment 1 - "The WOW Factor"
Why is outstanding customer service so vital?

Segment 2 - Fundamentals Of Outstanding Customer Service
The 10 things to ensure success

Segment 3 - Specific Techniques
Easy to implement, common sense ideas

Segment 4 - The Role Of Attitude
Without a great attitude, the rest is not effective

Segment 5 - The Most Important Words
What you say to the customer is important

Segment 6 - Little Things Mean The Most
Things that every salesperson can (and should) do

Segment 7 - Fantastic Customer Service Is What Really Matters
Service is the real differentiator

Sales Strategies for the Highly-Informed Customer
6 segments


Segment 1 - Who Are They? How Do They Think?
Facts about Gen X and Gen Y (Millennials)

Segment 2 - Best Practices to Get Face-to-Face
How to engage the Hyper-Informed Customer

Segment 3 - You Get One Shot, So Make it Count
Preparation and Training

Segment 4 - Follow-up to Edge out the Competition
Make your follow-ups work for you

Segment 5 - Specific Strategies to Capture the Highly-Informed
Additional key selling strategies

Segment 6 - Providing a Superior Customer Experience
How to go above and beyond "satisfaction"

Goal Setting for Success
5 segments


Segment 1 – Why Set Goals?
Understanding the magic of goal setting

Segment 2 - Steps to Successfully Setting Goals
The step-by-step formula for achieving anything you desire

Segment 3 - Goals and Performance Tracking
Recognizing and keeping up with the activities that are necessary

Segment 4 - 7 Additional Fundamentals in Setting Goals
Expands on the basic steps to success

Segment 5 - Study Backs Strategy for Achieving Goals
Empirical evidence of the value of setting goals the correct way

Time and Activity Management
3 segments


Segment 1 - Classic Rules of Time Management
Determining the Value of a Project, Creating an Effective To-Do List, Organizing Your Tasks, Examining Your Tasks, Fun Facts

Segment 2 - Resisting the Temptation to Procrastinate
4 Categories of Life’s Activities, Take a Mini-Vacation, Resisting the Temptation to Procrastinate, Motivation Strategies, The Value of Time

Segment 3 - Time Wasters
Controlling the Flood of Paper, Managing Your Desktop, Top 10 Time Wasters, Establishing Priorities, Each Day is a New Account

RV Sales Management
25 segments


Segment 1 - Removing the Impediments to Sales Success
Creating a success environment

Segment 2 - Why do Salespeople Leave?
Building salesperson tenure

Segment 3 - Effective Recruiting
Best practices

Segment 4 - Actual Recruiting Projects
Professional and effective recruiting ideas

Segment 5 - Orientation
Getting started on the right foot

Segment 6 - Self Marketing
Individual marketing of each team member

Segment 7 - 90 Day Certification
Accountability for skills begins here

Segment 8 - Setting and Achieving Goals
Getting serious about hitting targets

Segment 9 - Trial Period Evaluation 
Utilizing the early snapshot as a powerful productivity and employee retention tool

Segment 10 - Keeping a Salesperson File
Documentation that helps leaders grow their frontline assets

Segment 11 - Desk Log Part 1 
Your ultimate opportunity to monitor dealership activities and salesperson performance

Segment 12 - Desk Log Part 2 
Accountability and performance standards

Segment 13 - Desk Log Part 3
Performance standards continued

Segment 14 - Don’t Run Them Off 
Identifying our role in salespeople success

Segment 15 - Employee Evaluation
The power of periodic evaluation and gaining momentum for continued progress

Segment 16 - Exit Interviews 
Gaining valuable insight you must have and parting on the best possible terms

Segment 17 - Desking the Deal - Part 1 
Communicating and training your process

Segment 18 - Desking the Deal - Part 2 
A proper delivery of the vehicle with full disclosure of customer rights

Segment 19 - Desking the Deal - Part 3
Accomplishments of a Sales Call, Common Misconceptions, Controlling the Conversation, Always Answer Questions First, Positive Assumptions

Segment 20 - Desking the Deal - Part 4
Driving store success by way of a strong desking process

Segment 21 - Desking the Deal - Part 5
The power of preparation

Segment 22 - Words Make A Difference
Enhancing sales with better word choices

Segment 23 - Sales Team - Team / Leader Concept (Part 1)
Introduction to benefits

Segment 24 - Sales Team - Team / Leader Concept (Part 2)
Getting started

Segment 25 - Sales Team - Team / Leader Concept (Part 3)
Daily responsibilities

3 segments


Receptionist - Part 1
Philosophical & Physical aspects of phone communication; Effective Listening

Receptionist - Part 2
Procedural aspects of phone communication; the words to use

Receptionist - Part 3
Effectively handling the angry customer

2-Minute Drill NEW!
44 segments

About 2-Minute Drill

Segment 1 - Persuasive Psychology

(Negotiating / Closing) Utilizing the word "because"


Segment 2 - Maximizing Money Down

(Negotiating / Closing) Word track works wonders


Segment 3 - 7 Keys to Positivity

(Attitude) Positive beats negative every time


Segment 4 - Handling the Upset Customer

(Other) Changing the dynamics


Segment 5 - "Just Looking"

(Sales Process Training) The initial objection


Segment 6 - Psychology of the Initial Proposal

(Negotiating / Closing) How to present properly


Segment 7 - Additional Keys to Objections

(Negotiating / Closing) Handling resistance


Segment 8 - Don't Gamble with Your Success

(Sales Process Training) Increase your odds


Segment 9 - The Power of Attitude

(Attitude) Attitude is everything


Segment 10 - "Yeah, but..."

(Personal / Business Development) An impediment to change


Segment 11 - How Hard is it to Say Hello?

(Sales Process Training) Proper greeting sets the stage


Segment 12 - Life is a Choice

(Attitude) Choose wisely


Segment 13 - "I Have a Better Deal Elsewhere"

(Negotiating / Closing) Bluff, mistake, or valid?


Segment 14 - Increasing Write-Ups

(Sales Process Training) Increased write-ups equals increased sales


Segment 15 - Questions to Avoid

(Communication Skills) Don't undermine your effectiveness


Segment 16 - Optimism vs. Pessimism

(Attitude) Which do you choose?


Segment 17 - 10 Elements of Success

(Personal / Business Development) Let's get it right


Segment 18 - 11 Things Students WILL NOT Learn in School

(Other) What students don't learn in school


Segment 19 - Value of an Effective T. O.

(Sales Process Training) Second chance at a sale


Segment 20 - 9 Things To Give Up

(Other) Give up to get more


Segment 21 - 5 Things That Persuasive People Do

(Negotiating / Closing) Be a persuader of people


Segment 22 - Why Is the Buyer Anxious?

(Other) Perhaps because you are


Segment 23 - Why Did You Lose the Sale?

(Building Value) Make the necessary changes


Segment 24 - Become a Better Writer

(Communication) Emails, texts, articles, blogs


Segment 25 - Do What Is Right

(Personal / Business Development) Not sometimes - all the time


Segment 26 - Daily Activity Habits

(Personal / Business Development) Using the "Social Hour"


Segment 27 - Asking for Referrals

(Personal / Business Development) Asking the correct way


Segment 28 - Controlling Reconditioning Expense

(Negotiating / Closing) Saving gross profit              


Segment 29 - Passive Way to Ask for Referrals

(Personal / Business Development) A coward's way to referrals                   


Segment 30 - Procrastination

(Attitude) No-win situation                  


Segment 31 - Risk Factor

(Other) Lower the risk, greater the reward            


Segment 32 - How to Change a Bad Day

(Attitude) Lifting yourself up               


Segment 33 - Double Your Chances of YES

(Communication) Simple and easy technique                      


Segment 34 - Perceptions

(Other)  All that matters                     


Segment 35 - 20 Ways to Increase Sales

(Personal / Business Development) Make the most of your time                       


Segment 36 - Comfort and Familiarity

(Building Value) Keys to relaxing customers                       


Segment 37 - Smile - You Are on Display

(Attitude) Free, but invaluable                       


Segment 38 - Kill Them With Kindness

(Other) Even when customers are unkind                      


Segment 39 - Self Discipline

(Personal / Business Development) Overcoming obstacles                   


Segment 40 - Preparation Wins

(Sales Process Training) Be a Boy Scout                   

Segment 41 - Truly Listen to Understand

(Communications Skills) Don’t merely hear               

Segment 42 - Handle Resistance Like They Do in Mexico

(Negotiating / Closing) Be oblivious to “No”            

Segment 43 - Road to the Sale - Passé?

(Sales Process Training) Absolutely not!                    

Segment 44 - One More

(Personal / Business Development) Taking the extra step

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(95 Video Segments)

Negotiating & Closing
14 segments


Segment 1 - Art of Negotiating
Professional tips and techniques to effectively negotiate
Segment 2 - Closing the Sale with Confidence, Conviction and Enthusiasm
Qualities that great salespeople possess
Segment 3 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 1)
Types of salespeople; low pressure vs. high pressure
Segment 4 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 2)
Emotional vs. Intellectual approach; The rules of selling
Segment 5 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 3)
The 10 types of customers; How to handle each one
Segment 6 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 4)
How to treat customers based on age, gender, ethnicity, The psychology of the sale
Segment 7 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 5)
Identifying the real buyer, Winning the customer over
Segment 8 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 6)
Strategies for closing; Knowledge is power; Shortcuts mean short careers
Segment 9 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 7)
Tips for a great presentation
Segment 10 - The Art of Closing Any Deal (Part 8)
Use of the trial close; Wrapping up the sale
Segment 11 - Cash is King - New!
Increase down payments
Segment 12 - Negotiating/Closing - Follow the Process
Contrast in closing skills
Segment 13 - Winning the Price War - New!
And still make money
Segment 14 - Theory of Contrast - New!
Utilizing this all-important advantage

9 segments


Segment 15 - Attitude Creates Altitude - New!
Fly with the winners 

Segment 16 - Personal Motivation Strategies (Part 1)
Creating a vision; Finding your individual key

Segment 17 - Personal Motivation Strategies (Part 2)
Take small steps; Fake it til you make it

Segment 18 - Personal Motivation Strategies (Part 3)
Setting & achieving goals; Walk away from people who don't support you; Planning your strategy

Segment 19 - Personal Motivation Strategies - Part 4
Focus and will power; Don't stop thinking

Segment 20 - Dealing with Doubts
Dealing with doubts after the presentation is made

Segment 21 - Your Attitude is Everything - New!
You are in total control

Segment 22 - Mindset of a Winner
Mindset of a winner

Segment 23 - There are No Limits to Your Success - New!
Believe you can succeed




Communication Skills
9 segments

Segment 24 - Understanding Non-Verbal Communication
Harness the power of voice inflection and body language

Segment 25 - Effective Listening
The real key to communication; Tips and techniques

Segment 26 - Perceptions
Perception is truly reality

Segment 27 - Information = Success
Value of customer information

Segment 28 - Avoiding "NO" - Creating "YES"
Setting the mood for the close

Segment 29 - Communication in the Sales Process (Part 1)

Segment 30 - Communication in the Sales Process (Part 2)

Segment 31 - To Qualify of Not to Qualify
That is the question

Segment 32 - 10 Commandments of Counseling
10 commandments of Counseling


Building Value
11 segments


Segment 33 - Building Value
Value beats price every time
Segment 34 - Shortcuts = "Short" Paychecks
Use good business sense to capitalize on every opportunity
Segment 35 - Personal Value Building
Increasing your value in the marketplace
Segment 36 - Adaptive Selling
You must be able to adapt to changing conditions
Segment 37 - Why Should I Buy From You? - New!
The question every customer has
Segment 38 - Determine to be Different
How to stand out in the crowd of "typical" salespeople
Segment 39 - Building Value - Value, Value, Value
Build it and they will buy
Segment 40 - Outstanding Self-Help Ideas
Improvement tips
Segment 41 - How to be Awesome
Exceeding expectations and conquering competition
Segment 42 - Every Price is Too High
Until emotion and value are involved
Segment 43 - Price, Value or Risk? - New!
All are important

Setting & Achieving Goals
3 segments

Segment 44 - Setting and Achieving Goals
Why and how?
Segment 45 - Making it Your Best Year Ever
Focusing on what you want

Segment 46 - Goals & Performance Tracking
We must have targets


Creating Success
10 segments


Segment 47 - Creating Success
You are the driver in your life

Segment 48 - Sales Success (Part 1)
Make these part of your successful daily routine

Segment 49 - Sales Success (Part 2)
Prepare to succeed

Segment 50 - Principles of Success
Daily operating principles

Segment 51 - 14 Reasons Automotive Salespeople Do Not Live Up to Their Potential (Part 1)

Segment 52 - 14 Reasons Automotive Salespeople Do Not Live Up to Their Potential (Part 2)

Segment 53 - Guaranteed Success (Part 1)
Segment 54 - Guaranteed Success (Part 2)
Segment 55 - Qualities for Successful Sales
Know and operate with them

Segment 56 - Defining Success
What it means to each individual


4 segments


Segment 57 - Building a Contact Base
This is the cornerstone for future sales

Segment 58 - Prospecting through Self-Promotion
Self-promotion enhancing sales and credibility

Segment 59 - Consistency in Production
Eliminate "peaks & valleys" in sales production

Segment 60 - Selling with promotions
Adjusting for the sale

Dealing With Personalities
2 segments


Segment 61 - Personality Types
Understanding and reacting to different personalities

Segment 62 - Personalities Make a Difference
You must be able to differentiate

Conflict Resolution
3 segments


Segment 63 - Conflict Resolution
Dousing the flames and turning problems into opportunities

Segment 64 - Managing Conflict
When done correctly, enhances sales success

Segment 65 - Complaints = Opportunities
Handle them right and you will be rewarded

Non-Confrontational Selling
4 segments


Segment 66 - Give Every Customer a Chance
Prejudging customers guarantees missed sales

Segment 67 - Collapsing Confrontation - New! 
It's an art

Segment 68 - Taking the Confrontation Out of the Sale 
4 biggest customer complaints; Creating a non-confrontational environment

Segment 69 - People Don't Like to be Sold
But they love to buy

4 segments


Segment 70 - Taking Care of Business
Creating a customer-friendly environment

Segment 71 - Internal Relationships (Part 1)
Developing a successful "team" atmosphere

Segment 72 - Internal Relationships (Part 2)
Harmonious departmental relationships are vital to success

Segment 73 - The Value of Team
4 keys: Commitment, Communication, Trust & Self-motivation

Specialty Success Segments
22 segments

Segment 74 - Succeeding in a Transitional Environment
Focusing on your business at hand

Segment 75 - Dealing with Personal Pressures (And Still Sell RVs) 
Don't let personal problems keep you from selling

Segment 76 - Where Deals are Lost (Part 1) (Part 2 Omitted)
Being poorly prepared; Prejudging customers; Poor first impressions; Not controlling the process; Mishandling women buyers

Segment 77 - Where Deals are Lost (Part 3)
Asking the wrong questions; Focusing on price rather than the vehicle

Segment 78 - Where Deals are Lost (Part 4)
Not knowing inventory; Doing rushed deliveries; Having a negative attitude

Segment 79 - Focus on Risk
Reducing the "risk" issue

Segment 80 - Be 10 Times Better Than You Are
Recognizing your potential

Segment 81 - 15 Qualities Salespeople Should Possess - New!
Importance of specific qualities

Segment 82 - Dealing with Slowdowns
Turning the downtime upward

Segment 83 - Why Don't Prospects Buy?
Six reasons why

Segment 84 - Inside the Sale (Part 1)
Segment 85 - Inside the Sale (Part 2)
Segment 86 - Habits Rule Your Life (Part 1)
Each of the 4 segments discusses the areas in the sales process where the disconnect between customer and salesperson usually occurs

Segment 87 - Habits Rule Your Life (Part 2)
Segment 88 - Habits Rule Your Life (Part 3)
Segment 89 - Habits Rule Your Life (Part 4)
Segment 90 - Average vs. Superior (Part 1)
Segment 91 - Average vs. Superior (Part 2)
Segment 92 - Average vs. Superior (Part 3)
Segment 93 - Road to the Purchase
Putting yourself in the customer's shoes

Segment 94 - What is Your Purpose?
Be clear on the mission

Segment 95 - Ego in the Sales Process - New!
Understanding the role it plays





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